Fear & Personal Growth

How to Find Your Focus Word

By October 19, 2017No Comments

What if you could change your life by focusing on one word? Can it be this simple?

Sometimes we all feel fragile and disjointed by all the challenges we encounter in life, either internally or externally. Let this be the moment when you choose one single word to focus on, in order to make a permanent and positive change in your life.

You have probably been told, “just change your thinking” or “try this instead”, or maybe “don’t do that and you will be on your way to greatness”. I have seen a great deal of potential in many people who desperately want to achieve success, but their bursts of positive activity come and go – only to devolve into falling back into the status quo and “just getting by” once again, leaving consistency behind to settle for inconsistency.

Consistency is my personal focus word. I write it down on post-it notes, repeat it to myself, and have lived by it from the day I decided to change my life up through this very moment.

What is the ONE word you’d like to have as the single, strongest definition of yourself?

“Momentum” and “motivation” are words that define the concept of personal development. They are easy to say, but hard to continuously live by for most. Your word could be “strength” or “reliable” or “disciplined.” Your word can change as you change and become consistent in new habits, but today, I highly recommend finding the ONE word that best aligns with your goals right now, and focusing on that word until you experience a permanent change.

Words define how you build your mind, and how you choose your actions in each moment. Life is happening now all around us, and sometimes our greatest moments are encountered by just living through that one word you chose to define yourself by.

Your ultimate freedom lies in what you do today, because life will go on with or without your chosen word. So why not give it your all by taking control of your life and using your word to guide your actions?

If you struggle with staying focused, remember this: Your word could be PRACTICE – which is what professional athletes and performers (or anyone looking to better themselves) constantly and deliberately do in order to master their craft.

Instead of talking about your word, act upon on your word (and practice creating positive projects around your word) because what you might find is your passion, and what you might achieve is your dream. Your word can be a regiment of building your skills and knowledge on a continuous daily basis. More than likely, you will find out more and more of what you want in life. Try repeating this thought to yourself on a daily basis: My cup is empty every day, until I fill it with new knowledge through my chosen word. This supports my need to learn and grow with consistency, and with the absolute consuming drive to not let time outgrow my word.

Finding that incredible dream or purpose does not magically happen – fulfillment can only be achieved be taking positive action on your chosen word. “Engage” is one of my favorite words that incorporates fear and excitement, but most importantly it incorporates a drive to achieve something great.

Ask yourself, how can you not be consistent? How can you not be motivated? How can you not engage?

Any positive word will do as your chosen word – just fill in the blank. Because if you don’t, your cup might always be empty.  Free yourself and fill it up, so that it overflows with the power from a massive word. Once you fill your cup with knowledge on a daily basis, you will find that no matter what happens, you are never thirsty. Determination will make you unstoppable and your word will not be “hopeless” or “boredom” – it will be freedom.

– Tim S. Marshall, Author of “The Power of Breaking Fear”

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“The Power of Breaking Fear” is a must-read for anyone who is frustrated in life, and wants to achieve true long-lasting success and happiness.”
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“The Power of Breaking Fear” is one of the most fascinating books I have seen. A fresh new look to end the fears that hold us back from true success.”

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