Fear & Personal Growth

A Letter to My 21-Year-Old Self

By January 11, 2018No Comments

By now, you could be consumed by defeat. There are expectations set for you that you have not met. Even worse, you see those around you meet those magical expectations with amazing grace. You may have succumbed to the fact that self-limitations hold you back. This year, you’re not sure what’s in store for the rest of your life. The doom of “What in the world is my future going be?” sinks into your mind like a heavy boulder on your back. Do you settle for the bare minimum and just get by because your too confused about where to start? Or do you start over from rock-bottom and climb your way to the top?


Buckle up, kid. You have no idea the adventure that is in store for you. How fast you want to drive your life is completely in your own hands.


You are going to define and redefine success one thousand times. Searching endlessly in your thoughts to create a solution to a problem that does not exist yet. You are going to overcome your greatest fears and learn how to use them to propel you into your greatest strengths. You will master the art of learning, acting on what you learn, and having the patience to stay the course no matter what hits you. By doing this, you are going to achieve victories that you cannot even dream of right now. There will be failures too, and yes, even these will bring massive value into your life. 


Learn from failure. It will teach you what not to do, and you will accelerate quickly on what does work for you.


It is NEVER too late to begin the journey, whether you’re 21 or 75. Embrace change. Throughout life, you are going to get lost sometimes. You are going to start over again. Tune into your intuition, and take every morning as a fresh start. Set clear goals for yourself, and trust the path that delivers you to them. Change is a constant and history is yours to create.


Start today, and do not let fear hold you back. Fear is normal. Use it as a guide.


When somebody tells you that you cannot do something, that is a growth for you. Pay them the respect of not only doing it, but excelling far past any spectator shouts from the cheap seats. On the road to becoming your truest self, do not let anybody else define who you are. This is your image and your reflection, not theirs. There is no limit to what you can accomplish, and nothing that you cannot learn if you set your mind to it.


Be kind to yourself, and kind to others. Be intentional in your interactions. Communication is the key to meaningful connections, and your words and relationships are the street-lights on the road to success. Build value in others so that they can return the favor to someone else. 

It will not always be easy, but do not give up. Breakthroughs happen when you go one step further than you feel capable of. Then take two more steps. You are capable of more than you can possibly imagine. Surprise yourself — you will, and the greatest surprise will be mental freedom. Discover your own wisdom and purpose every single day, and practice doing things with them by writing your own chapters in your own book of life. Your life is the most important book of all.


Stay grateful. Practice saying thank you, not only when you are complimented, but when you are rejected too. Understand that everything that happens, good and bad, pushes you closer to where you are meant to be. Without the bad, you would not know the good. Develop a habit of being grateful for everything that happens to you, and you will find that only amazing things happen. Life is like an ocean – the waves are never the same, but the water is always beautiful. 


Help others. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Lead with your heart. Protect what you love. Strive to be your best self, and never settle for anything that is not the very best it can be. The rest will fall into place if you set your own table of life.

– Tim S. Marshall, Author of “The Power of Breaking Fear”

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Some reviews of “The Power of Breaking Fear”:

“The Power of Breaking Fear”
“Tim S. Marshall has gone out of his way to arm his readers with a seemingly endless number of vitality strategies that are easy to incorporate into one’s daily life. The Power of Breaking Fear belongs on every bookshelf.”
– U.S Review
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“The Power of Breaking Fear” winner for Best Audio and book Content!
“The Power of Breaking Fear” is a must-read for anyone who is frustrated in life, and wants to achieve true long-lasting success and happiness.”
-Paul Noble, 5-Time Emmy Award Winner

“The Power of Breaking Fear” is one of the most fascinating books I have seen. A fresh new look to end the fears that hold us back from true success.”

– Kenneth Blanchard, #1 Best-Selling Author of The One Minute Manager, 13-million copies sold.