Business & Entrepreneurship

Leadership Built From Urgency

By September 5, 2017No Comments
Most people don’t realize that urgency is the main ingredient to effective leadership. Unless you’re at a point of losing everything, leadership can also be passive and ineffectual – as opposed to the drive and momentum that is built from fostering an atmosphere of methodical urgency in your leadership strategy.

Do not be passive! Take charge and move forward continuously. Most people wait for others to produce results after the marching orders are given, or they give marching orders without knowing what direction to go in and without proper preparation. Passion is a quick remedy to build enthusiasm out of stagnation, and enthusiasm in turn drives people to action. This allows for preparation to be injected into a continuous game plan through actions and results.

Leadership is defined by one’s individual motives, values, and determination blended together with clearly envisioning the desired outcome you want to achieve. I consistently see similar views expressed in regards to connecting with other people or leading by example, both of which are of critical importance. But in this fast paced, technology-driven world, leadership is much more than that. Leadership takes objective speed and effectiveness at problem solving with compelling takeaways in order for those that report to the leader to understand, digest, and initiate with fearless action.

A sense of urgency is essential to building and maintaining massive momentum in leadership. Early success can sometimes lead to a sense of complacency, which dilutes a company’s core message and focus. As a leader, you should always mentally be living in “Day Zero”, as if your past successes never occurred. This is accomplished by maintaining a constant sense of urgency – as if each day is the only day you have to direct, strategize, and diagram out your leadership plan.

The first critical factor to master is how you lead yourself. Sell yourself on what your strengths are, and sell yourself on how to improve your weaknesses. It is no different from a sales cycle, except that you are your own prospect. Qualify, present, and close on what would make you a better leader. Ask questions to those that you lead in order to understand how they interpret your marching orders. How are they going to march, and do they really know how to?

Know who to lead, and who to not lead.  Some need marching orders, while others march internally and pressure themselves to be the best. Know the difference between the two. Otherwise, you will lose followers and over communicate. Remember that less words create more effective results when communicating. Simplify and use analogies whenever possible – in other words, use language that a 12 year old would understand. Sometimes we are all guilty of talking over someone’s head. But if you utilize language that promotes an understanding of your vision, then your words will build you up as a leader to those around you -and will result in the creation of an outstanding leadership-driven team.

– Tim S. Marshall, Author of “The Power of Breaking Fear”

Some reviews of “The Power of Breaking Fear”:

“The Power of Breaking Fear”
“Tim S. Marshall has gone out of his way to arm his readers with a seemingly endless number of vitality strategies that are easy to incorporate into one’s daily life. The Power of Breaking Fear belongs on every bookshelf.”
– U.S Review
– Independent Press Award (IPA)
“The Power of Breaking Fear” winner for Best Audio and book Content!
“The Power of Breaking Fear” is a must-read for anyone who is frustrated in life, and wants to achieve true long-lasting success and happiness.”
-Paul Noble, 5-Time Emmy Award Winner

“The Power of Breaking Fear” is one of the most fascinating books I have seen. A fresh new look to end the fears that hold us back from true success.”

– Kenneth Blanchard, #1 Best-Selling Author of The One Minute Manager, 13-million copies sold.